Ciao Mondo 3!

Il forum di NVIDIA è stato violato

Da ieri il forum ufficiale di NVIDIA riporta un annuncio dove indica la sospensione del servizio per delle attività sospette. L'attacco informatico di cui è stato vittima il forum è in via di riparazione, ma alcuni dati degli utenti sono stati rubati.




Nel comunicato NVIDIA fa sapere che sono stati presi alcuni nome utenti, indirizzi email, password (hashed, con valori salt casuali) e le informazioni pubbliche rilasciate in "About me".


Di seguito il comunicato rilasciato sul sito


Posted July 12, 2012


NVIDIA suspended operations of the NVIDIA Forums ( last week.


We did this in response to suspicious activity and immediately began an investigation. We apologize that our continuing investigation is taking this long. Know that we are working around the clock to ensure that secure operations can be restored.


Our investigation has identified that unauthorized third parties gained access to some user information, including:


  • username
  • email address
  • hashed passwords with random salt value
  • public-facing "About Me" profile information


NVIDIA did not store any passwords in clear text. "About Me" optional profiles could include a user’s title, age, birthdate, gender, location, interests, email and website URL – all of which was already publicly accessible.


NVIDIA is continuing to investigate this matter and is working to restore the Forums as soon as possible. We are employing additional security measures to minimize the impact of future attacks.


All user passwords for our Forums will be reset when the system comes back online. At that time, an email with a temporary password, along with instructions on how to change it, will be sent to the user’s registered email address.


As a precautionary measure, we strongly recommend that you change any identical passwords that you may be using elsewhere.


NVIDIA does not request sensitive information by email. Do not provide personal, financial or sensitive information (including new passwords) in response to any email purporting to be sent by an NVIDIA employee or representative.


We will post updates about this matter here. For any questions, email us at Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..


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